Well, I am happy to say that we finally completed the move to Tennessee. The last couple of weeks have been spent unpacking and accustoming ourselves to the climate and slower lifestyle. We are ecstatic over the fact that it is the middle of February, and we have been able to wear short sleeves and keep the windows open to let in the scent of spring fresh air.
Of course, all this warm weather means I cannot push off my outdoor exercise regime anymore. So I decided to start back on a walking program. Two years ago, I was walking more than five miles a day and barely broke a sweat. In my mind, I saw myself picking up the program where I left off. I thought I would begin my regime yesterday, but first I wanted to put the outgoing mail in my mailbox down at the end of my driveway.
It is approximately one hundred yards from my house to the end of my driveway. From the road, the driveway slopes gently yet steadily upward to the top of the hill where our house is located. It felt great to walk down the drive, head in the air and deeply breathing in the mountain air. I put the mail out, then started walking back to the house to collect my honey so we could begin our walk together. I didn't count on the not so steep grade to our house knocking me for a loop! By the time I reached the top of the drive, I was ready to call in a Medic. I realized then and there just how out of shape I had let myself become. I felt like that cocky quarterback from high school; you know the one who 25 years later still thinks he is a Heisman Trophy candidate, but pulls a ham string getting out of his la-z-boy rocker.
I am nothing if not persistent. Last night, we managed to walk about a mile or so and navigated our way back to the top of our drive. It was small consolation that my fiance felt as winded as I felt. We are determined, however, to take at least one walk a day, slowly going a little farther each day. If anyone has any spare oxygen tanks, we are accepting donations at this time!
Happy trails!
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