Saturday, January 22, 2011

Is it too early to think about my spring Cleaning?

One month into the official start of winter, and I’ve already had enough. I have found myself fantasizing about palm trees, warm breezes full of coconut tanning oil and drinks that are served with little umbrellas in them. Winter is usually the hardest month to think about an exercise regime. The average person cannot afford their own personal trainer and nutritionist. It makes you wonder what Hollywood stars looked like BEFORE they mad it big! In today’s economy, it is hard to even afford a gym membership. So like many others, I usually use the great outdoors to get in any type of physical exercise. I thought about taking up mall walking but I didn’t want to embarrass myself with the knowledge that Grandma is probably in better shape than I am. However, I live in a rural area without the benefits of sidewalks. There is no longer any shoulder left on my roads here to walk along; piles of grayish slush have taken up residence and do not look like they are leaving anytime soon.

So, what’s a gal to do when they are thinking about beaches instead of the foot of snow that needs to be shoveled yet again from my walkway? Believe it or not, there are many everyday ordinary house chores that you can do to burn a few extra calories. I was actually very surprised to learn how many calories I burn just by sweeping or vacuuming. Today, as the temperature outside my windows hovers at a balmy 11 degrees I am determined to have a bit of the “fun in the sun” I have been thinking about. First things first, I’ll open the drapes and let the sunshine in. Second, I’ll put on some appropriate Island music. is a great internet radio program. If you go to their themed radio stations, they have Reggae, Hawaiian and Cajun stations. You can do a quick mix of all three if you like. Crank it up! I’ll put on a tank top and a pair of comfy shorts and sneakers. I’ll dance around my house singing decidedly off key, while I complete this list I have found of common household chores and the amount of calories you spend just by spending 30 minutes on each chore:

Activity---------------------Calories Burned
Waxing furniture ----------82
Washing dishes------------ 79
Ironing ----------------------75
Making the bed----- -------68
Doing laundry--------------73
Window cleaning ---------112
Vacuuming -----------------112
Sweeping------------------- 112
Mopping --------------------127
Stair climbing --------------210

** These calculations based on a 150 pound person, which I wish I was. So a plus size gal like myself can expect to burn a little extra. Remember, the idea is to put your back into it without putting your back out. These tasks should be done as briskly as your body can stand.
When I‘m done, I will be rewarding myself with a refreshing fizzy beverage, umbrella included. I’ll sit back, put my feet up, lay my head back and breathe in the scent of my nice clean house while letting the music take me on my well deserved voyage. I am happy because I know this is one trip I can make without worrying about losing my luggage, or sitting next to a cranky baby for 10 hours. Bon Voyage!

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