Saturday, January 22, 2011

Is it too early to think about my spring Cleaning?

One month into the official start of winter, and I’ve already had enough. I have found myself fantasizing about palm trees, warm breezes full of coconut tanning oil and drinks that are served with little umbrellas in them. Winter is usually the hardest month to think about an exercise regime. The average person cannot afford their own personal trainer and nutritionist. It makes you wonder what Hollywood stars looked like BEFORE they mad it big! In today’s economy, it is hard to even afford a gym membership. So like many others, I usually use the great outdoors to get in any type of physical exercise. I thought about taking up mall walking but I didn’t want to embarrass myself with the knowledge that Grandma is probably in better shape than I am. However, I live in a rural area without the benefits of sidewalks. There is no longer any shoulder left on my roads here to walk along; piles of grayish slush have taken up residence and do not look like they are leaving anytime soon.

So, what’s a gal to do when they are thinking about beaches instead of the foot of snow that needs to be shoveled yet again from my walkway? Believe it or not, there are many everyday ordinary house chores that you can do to burn a few extra calories. I was actually very surprised to learn how many calories I burn just by sweeping or vacuuming. Today, as the temperature outside my windows hovers at a balmy 11 degrees I am determined to have a bit of the “fun in the sun” I have been thinking about. First things first, I’ll open the drapes and let the sunshine in. Second, I’ll put on some appropriate Island music. is a great internet radio program. If you go to their themed radio stations, they have Reggae, Hawaiian and Cajun stations. You can do a quick mix of all three if you like. Crank it up! I’ll put on a tank top and a pair of comfy shorts and sneakers. I’ll dance around my house singing decidedly off key, while I complete this list I have found of common household chores and the amount of calories you spend just by spending 30 minutes on each chore:

Activity---------------------Calories Burned
Waxing furniture ----------82
Washing dishes------------ 79
Ironing ----------------------75
Making the bed----- -------68
Doing laundry--------------73
Window cleaning ---------112
Vacuuming -----------------112
Sweeping------------------- 112
Mopping --------------------127
Stair climbing --------------210

** These calculations based on a 150 pound person, which I wish I was. So a plus size gal like myself can expect to burn a little extra. Remember, the idea is to put your back into it without putting your back out. These tasks should be done as briskly as your body can stand.
When I‘m done, I will be rewarding myself with a refreshing fizzy beverage, umbrella included. I’ll sit back, put my feet up, lay my head back and breathe in the scent of my nice clean house while letting the music take me on my well deserved voyage. I am happy because I know this is one trip I can make without worrying about losing my luggage, or sitting next to a cranky baby for 10 hours. Bon Voyage!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lazy Girl's ten simple steps to a healthier YOU!

Today is day three of my journey to a healthier me. Already, I can feel a difference. I woke up more energized than normal. I don't have that lethargic feeling that comes from eating too much processed food. I know that I have a long way to go, but it feels good to feel good.

I realize that while telling the tale of my journey, I am giving you guys some tips to use. So, I will insert a gratuitous disclaimer here: I am not a doctor, dietitian, nutritionist or nurse. I am simply a woman who after trying all the major diet programs out there and raising three kids has found a few simple truths along the way that have worked for me. I hope they will work for you too. However, I must caution that before you being a diet and exercise program, that you please consult with your family doctor. Whew! Now I can avoid being sued. (smile inserted here.)

Onward to today's topic, my ten simple steps to a healthier you. At the wise old age of 42 I guess I learned a few things, mostly about myself. These steps have helped me, and I hope the help you too.

1) Love who you are NOW. This is the hardest yet simplest rule to live by. Love the skin that you are in. Realize the value of YOU. Take absolute pleasure in who you are as a human being. When you do this, the way you feel about yourself is reflected back to those around you.

2) Stay off the scale. A healthier you is not just about pounds lost. It is a feeling of overall well being. Nothing is more depressing than being really “good” and at the end of the week you do not see results on the scale. This is where some people give up and go back to bad eating habits. But before you do this ask yourself these questions: How do I feel? Do I have more energy? Do I feel more confident? Are my clothes just a bit looser? THIS is how you measure your success, not just by numbers on a scale.

3) Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. I cannot stress this enough. Water flushes toxins from the body, and can help you feel full at meal times. Drink as much as you can handle.

4) Get Support. (And I’m not talking about a new bra). It is vital that you have a good support system in place, at home and at work. Sit your family down and explain to them what your health goals are. Encourage them to join you on your quest. Do the same in your office. This way you wont have to feel bad when you don’t join in eating birthday cake for some random employee for the 18th time this month.

5) Focus! I don’t know about you, but I have a bad habit of reading while I eat. The brain is not catching the signal that your full, because it is already engrossed in that book that you just can’t put down. By the time you realize it, you have plowed through a second helping of lasagna, or a whole bag of Doritos. Take your time and enjoy the meal. Food should be a sensory journey of culinary delights. Set a pretty place setting for yourself. Light some candles and play some soft music. Take the time to chew your food, thoughtfully and slowly. Put down your utensils in between bites and enjoy a sip of water or other beverage. Think you can’t do this for breakfast? Think again! The pomp and ceremony of a well balanced meal will aid in digestion and carry you through the day with a euphoric sense of well being.

6) These boots were made for walking. Start walking, 30 minutes a day if you can. I personally feel walking is the best exercise you can give to your body. After a few weeks, you can add some toning weights (they can strap to your wrists and ankles) or use a toning band. Many times I am walking down a busy street lifting my arms up and down in slow reps or using my giant rubber band for toning. Sure I get some weird looks from passersby but hey! This is all about me now. Let them look and watch the transformation into a healthier me! (Again, I caution that you see your doctor before beginning an exercise program of any kind.)

7) Time your workouts. Try to do your workouts in the mornings. This accomplishes two things. The endorphins you release will keep you happy and confident throughout the day. Also, you kick start your metabolism for the day. You will burn more fat this way. Nothing is worse than doing your workouts at night. There you are trying to sleep and your body feels like you just consumed 8 cans of Red Bull.

8) Set small weekly goals. Set goals for yourself that are achievable such as “ I will use my TV time this week to exercise” or “ I will substitute fresh fruit instead of pie for dessert”. Setting big goals like “I want to lose 60 pounds” is daunting. Remember, it took many years of unhealthy habits to get you where you are today. A successful return to a healthier you will not happen overnight.

9) Reward Yourself. If you have met your small weekly goals, reward yourself with small treats. Maybe buy a new book or a new pair of shoes. Earrings to show off a new hair cut. There is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself.

10) COMMITMENT. All the diet and exercise programs in the world will not garner results without commitment. Personally, this is where I need some help as well. Everyday, I need to re-enforce my commitment to myself and my family to get healthy and stay that way. I am blessed to have a great family and support system in place to help me achieve my goals.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today’s phrase that pays is …PORTION CONTROL!

It is true. The best eating habits are developed by utilizing portion control. In 2008 I successfully lost 30 pounds just by eating normal portion sizes. I didn’t give up any of the foods I love, nor did I give up junk food or alcohol. I didn’t even “measure” my portions, I just visualized what I normally would eat at a meal and cut it by oh, say 20%. After a few weeks I cut it again. After 8 months I was 30 pounds lighter and I  had barely busted a sweat. Unfortunately, I fell back on some bad habits during some stressful moments in my life so here I am trying to lose the weight, again!
Here is your homework for the day. Take out a dinner plate and look at it. Visualize how you normally serve up your food. Is it piled high? Does the food go all the way to the edges of the plate? These are just some of the habits that needs to be broken. Now, visualize your meal as if it were a pie chart. How big a piece of pie is given to starchy foods loaded with carbs, vs. how much is given to protein rich food and veggies? Again, habits that need to change.

For this week, I will concentrate on my portion size. I will fill only the shallow indentation of my plate, staying a good inch or two away from the edge. I will also be focusing on eating the proper balance of all the major food groups.  I started doing this again with last night's dinner and I will say, it was hard. I made meatloaf with mashed potatoes and whole green beans. In the end, I was able to stick to my own dictate. Later, I took childish delight in watch my fiance groan all night because he had overstuffed himself. Yes, he went for seconds too soon.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In the beginning...

Hello! As so many do, the New Year prompts many an individual to ponder on resolutions and goals for the coming year. And, as so many do, by the Spring they find themselves falling short of their expectations. Therefore, they toss the resolutions and goals they made for themselves and live for the moment of truth when the deadlines to meet their self imposed goals come and go. This allows most folks to shrug in a Gaelic manner and console themselves with the knowledge that they must have set unreasonable goals for themselves; it was no wonder they weren't attained!

The year 2011 will see many changes for me and my family. A new move to another state. The hope that my telecommuting job will pick up and allow me to earn some much needed money. Planning my wedding. Dealing with the aftermath of my future mother-in-law's cancer treatments. To say that my stress levels will be seriously tested is the understatement of the year.

One such change is my ever increasing desire to feel more healthy. I know, I know. The word "diet" is as much a four-letter word in my book as any you can dare to imagine. The fact of the matter is, I am NOT getting any younger and am forced to acknowledge certain biological changes that are happening now, as well as the dreaded future (gasp! dare I  even mention "The Change"?) Add to this is my fervent desire to not look like the abominable snow woman as I walk down the aisle later this year. To this extent I am embarking on a six month mission to tone up and slim down some. We shall call this a "dietary lifestyle change". Why?

To begin a diet conjures up, at most, a temporary flight from all food that tastes even remotely delicious.  Thus, most folks only consider a diet to be a temporary measure. However, by definition, the word diet simply means the usual food and drink consumed by a person. So for better or worse, we are ALL on a diet of some type.

I will endeavor, through this blog, to share my journey with you. By allowing my lifestyle to be public I am hoping to us it an an incentive and inspiration to attain my goal of a healthier me. I will write able my experiences, good and bad. I will post some recipes so tasty you will not even know they are good for you! I will detail all attempts at excerise and share my health goals.

To begin, I firmly believe that the bathroom scale is the most destructive thing a person can have in their home. My advice, get rid of it; preferably today! How many of us have chained ourselves to a scale, ate bird like portions, only to not see so much as an ounce lost - and don't even get me started on the short term water weight gain during "Aunt Flo's" visit! 

 Ask yourself instead, how do you feel? Are you tired a lot, do you have difficulty talking short walks, climbing stairs, etc? Do your clothes fit comfortably?  I guess you are asking yourself then, How will she track her progress? Well, the best I can and will do is to keep track of my dress sizes.  Maybe this isn't the best approach for you. That is ok, as long as you find a method of motivation that is right for you.

So here it is.. in black and white for the public to see and read: my dress size is..... 20.

Let the journey ... BEGIN!